The Hofstede model

Hofstede's 6-dimensional model helps us and helps us to identify the cultural behaviors of each group. In addition, it helps improve our understanding of other cultures by examining how cultural values view this behavior.However, in this space we will focus on comparing individualism vs collectivism and indulgence vs restraint.
  1. In the first place, individualism can be defined as the level at which individuals are integrated into society and the feeling of belonging to the group,that is, individuals tend to worry about themselves and their closest family. When the opposite case occurs, we would be in a collectivist scenario.hen we find ourselves in a very collectivist society, the group ties are broader and the family unit is much more extensive. A clear example of this and that they share this distinctive characteristic are the cultures italians and the cultures of the north coast region in Colombia.
  2. Secondly, we have another important dimension and that is the dimension that tends to explain the vision of life that a culture has: optimistic and positive (indulgent culture) or pessimistic and negative (contained culture). In this dimension, self-concept and tendency are valued. to enjoy life or to hold back against natural urges.In indulgent cultures people live relaxed and it is considered that although working hard is important, it is also important to enjoy life, such is the case, of the cultures in the Colombian Caribbean region and the Italian culture.
Finally, we can observe that despite being two cultures located in distant geographic spaces, they have many similarities regarding their behavior. By this I do not mean that they are 100% the same, but we cannot deny that we have many characteristics in common.
