Relationship between multi-active and Italian customs


This week we will reflect on the approach of lewis models and how and why Italians are within multiactive.
  1. Firstly,one of the customs that characterize Italians is the importance they give to the family and spending time with them.This aspect is related to the characteristic that describes the cultures located at the multi active level.This mean that los multi-active are considered people  who attach great importance to family.
  2. Secondly,another characteristic of Italians is the importance that the majority belief to religion. For example: religious buildings can't be visited with shorts or sleeveless shirts. Nor should you raise your voice, especially in religious services.The belief and importance in religion is another relevant aspect that characterizes the countries and their cultures identified as multi-active.
  3. Finally, we can highlight from the Italian culture that they are usually eloquent people with expressive body language. To be more precise,in Italy to greet each other with a handshake. The usual greeting between friends or family is the kiss on the cheeks, between women, or between men and women.This is undoubtedly one of the behavioral characteristics that describes multi-active.
On the whole,Lewis models allow us to know general aspects of behaviors of different cultures.
But, it seems important to me, to understand that although it is true that they are characteristics that the majority may have, it is not synonymous with the fact that all the people of that country apply them. These models should not be used to stereotyize people.
